Getting Started Spring Authorization Server
This project uses Spring Authorization Server to establish an authorization system that conforms to the OAuth 2.1 specification and uses JWT Token to be issued.
This project uses Spring Authorization Server to establish an authorization system that conforms to the OAuth 2.1 specification and uses JWT Token to be issued.
有的時候雖然有做驗證, 但你會看到這樣的錯誤訊息
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這樣真的很不明確, 前端工程師必須一個一個去檢查到底是哪個值有問題, 久而久之你就會看到前後端大大們在門口定孤枝XD
Why choose Spring cloud function to develop serverless services?
Spring framework still provides abstraction capabilities to decouple our serverless services from the platform. If the developed services need to be moved to different cloud providers, you almost only need to choose a different adapter without changing the writing and settings. The biggest benefits of decoupling from the different cloud platforms.
Currently Spring cloud function provides AWS Adapter, Azure Adapter and GCP Adapter.
Recently I was looking at Google Cloud Spanner and ClickHouse and found that Liquibase is supported. This surprised me, so I studied Liquibase again.
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// chaos-monkey
How to automatically generate interface and Data Transfer Object from OpenAPI yaml file.
完成了發信功能後, 偶爾還是會有客戶會想透過 Email 聯繫, 所以還是要有個客服信箱來收信, SendGrid 也可以代為收信, 但他不像傳統 mailserver 信件會儲存起來等你上線去收, 而是提供 parse webhook 來讓你自己接收信件內容.
Google Cloud 上面目前是還沒有提供 GCP 的 發信服務, 但是你可以透過 Marketplace 找到合作的廠商, 也是能整合到 GCP 帳單內, 又可以使用 API 發信, 其實算是挺方便的.
最近很紅的 Quarkus 也是使用 GraalVM, 並盡量避免使用 反射(Reflection) 達成 快數啟動 低記憶體用量等優點, 等了許久終於等到 SpringBoot 2.4 終於支援了 GraalVM, 所以趕快試用一下
有時還是有不同的專案對應不同的 JDK 版本, 雖然你可以全都裝, 但管理還是麻煩, 所以裝了這個 JDK 管理工具, 方便做切換